Why attend a local market?

Picture the scene.

You're walking amongst stalls full of handmade trinkets and you happen across that perfect gift you've been after for a friend. You can smell something delicious and you begin to wonder if it's coming from the brownie stall or the pastry stall nearby.

The person behind the beautifully displayed stall oozes passion as they talk you through the process of making the gift you've been after. It's then you realise. Not only have you made their day, but you're having a wonderful day too.

How Do I Find A Market Near Me?

There are lots of ways you can find a local market to attend for your perfect wonderful day and here are a few of my favourites:

  • Check out the events listed on the official tourism site for your area. Google 'Visit' and your area and it should pop up. Here is the one for Stoke-on-Trent.
  • Sign-up to your favourite local makers newsletters as they will always share where they will have a stall next. Scroll down to find out where Wear It Quirky will be next and sign-up to the newsletter here.
  • Make use of Pedddle - a directory of markets and stallholders across the UK. You can search by area, date and type of market too. It's huge database which is really easy to search.

Which markets will Wear It Quirky be at?

If you are ever after finding out where Wear It Quirky will be and if I have a stall at any local markets or events, you can check out my events page on my website and also sign up to the newsletter for updates.
Canalside Farm Market July 2021
Canalside Farm Market
Picadilly Artisan Market

by victoria

Victoria is me, the founder and creator of all things Wear It Quirky! Anything quirky, I love and I write in this blog to share my experiences during the running of my small business. 
Canalside Farm Market